Sunday, September 22, 2013

Handwriting: Then and Now

After we talked about cursive and handwriting in our last class, I began to think, will handwriting ever die out? I truly do not think that it will. Like literacy it is one of those things that is engrained into us. We will forever write things down and the notion of a personal note will still remain relevant as well. I think that there is something about a handwritten note or letter that signifies importance and that you care.

We still do not view a document as "official" with out a signature. Something about that hand written name makes the document official, even more important. It signifies that the person writing felt that it was important enough for them to take the time to sign their name. Now, it means even more to me at least. Now companies use a digital signature that has been made into a JPEG image and put it onto the paper.

I think handwriting will remain apart of our lives for years to come. It is not just an important social thing but important to developing out critical thinking skills.

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